Enjoy Dry January with MOR Kombucha

The new year is here, and that means it’s time for one of our favorite challenges: Dry January. ICYMI: this month-long challenge encourages people to voluntarily stop drinking alcohol after the excesses of the holiday season and start the new year on a refreshed, non-alcoholic note. 

A Healthy 2023

Research and health studies have found that Dry January can have a positive effect on people’s health. Taking a 30-day break from booze can trigger immediate health benefits, like weight loss, better sleep, and a boost to your mood and energy levels. Plus, a hangover-free hiatus provides opportunities to form new habits — like turning down alcohol in social settings, which in the long run can be empowering. Pass the kombucha!

MOR Kombucha

Kombucha is an increasingly popular beverage used as a healthy alternative to traditional alcoholic drinks. Made from fermented tea, Kombucha is packed with health benefits and can offer many of the same health benefits as Dry January – such as improved sleep patterns, increased energy levels, and even weight loss. Plus, Kombucha is low in sugar and calories, so you can enjoy a guilt-free drink any time of day.

Order MOR

As we launch into the year ahead, Dry January is the ideal time to refresh and refill the fridge with MOR of the kombucha your brain, body, and tastebuds crave. Kombucha mocktails are a delicious and healthy way to enjoy the flavors of kombucha without the alcohol. With only a few ingredients, you can make your own tantalizing drinks at home.

Local Kombucha

So let's make something new together this year: Make 2021 the year of Dry January — and MOR kombucha! Let's get ready to sip, savor and celebrate an alcohol-free month. Visit our website to shop online and for a list of local retailers. Cheers to a healthy and happy start to the new year!

MOR Kombucha