Get Kombucha on Tap at Home

The doorbell rings, and you drop everything you were doing to answer it. You look through the peephole as excitement builds—It’s your friendly MOR delivery technician, and they’re toting a fresh keg of that flavor you’ve been dying to try. You now have kombucha on tap at home, and life just got better.

The setup is hassle-free, and thanks to the expertise of your technician, you know that your private stash of kombucha will always be perfectly carbonated and refreshingly cold. Once they leave, you take a sip of your fresh draft kombucha, and your lips curve into a slight smile. The delightful taste dances on your tastebuds as you ask yourself, “Why does kombucha make me feel good?” There are many reasons, but the delight from this bubbly draft beverage comes in part from probiotics, a healthy level of antioxidants, and the sense of peace from reducing waste. Not to mention the delicious taste.

Get Warm and Fuzzy with Cold and Fizzy

Kombucha’s health benefits stretch back thousands of years, but modern medicine may hold explanations for why it makes you feel good. Probiotics are the healthy bacteria that line your gut, and aside from aiding in digestion, they also have been reported to improve psychological well-being.

Kombucha also boasts strong antioxidant properties, which help your body fight oxidative stress. Oxidative stress is what makes some metals rust, and the same process occurs in your body. But instead of rusting, your body produces free radicals. High levels of oxidative stress have been found to contribute to mood disorders, but luckily, antioxidants help fight harmful free radicals. With kombucha on tap at home, you will always have a delicious source of these two mood-boosting nutrients.

Kombucha on Tap at Home Helps the Environment

If you’re considering getting kombucha on tap at home, you are probably a voracious enjoyer of this fermented tea. Drinking kombucha by the bottle can lead to waste if the packaging isn’t properly recycled, but the kegs for draft kombucha are infinitely reusable. That’s something that makes Mother Nature happy, and when she’s happy, everyone is happy.

If you find yourself craving Kombucha on the daily, you should consider taking the next step in your booch journey and reach out to us. The process of setting up your home kombucha dispenser is easy, hands-off, and will make your home the talk of the town.

MOR Kombucha